Summer! Do you love it?! Some people grind through the other 3 seasons just to get to summer! I won’t say that Summer is my favorite season, but there are many things I love about it!
Summer time is a great time to re-focus on our self care. The days are longer and slower paced. Even though not technically true, it feels like there are more hours in the day. And THIS is the perfect time to start a self care routine (or tweak yours into a new one)!

See my cute little graphic there? ⬆ Here are several self care tips for summer! Let’s chat about these a bit.
Explore somewhere new! Oh, this is such a good one! Many people take vacations in the summer. Vacations give you the perfect opportunity to explore somewhere new. It could be going to someplace different for your vacation. Maybe you go to the beach every year. You could go to the mountains instead. Or a new city/National Park/Landmark/etc that you’ve always wanted to visit. Even if you go to the same place that you always go, you can explore something NEW while you’re there. Just hit up Google and find something different. No time for a vacay? That’s ok. You can explore somewhere new right in your own environment! Try a new restaurant. Find a new walking path. Go to a local park that you’ve never been to. Are there any museums near you?
Stay hydrated! This is soooo important! I’m a big believer in staying hydrated all year long. But in the summer, it’s absolutely necessary. It’s hot. We sweat. We NEED to replace all that with water. Y’all hear me? I said WATER! Yes, I love my morning coffee. Maybe an occasional evening glass of wine or a beer. But those don’t really count towards keeping yourself hydrated! We need to drink more WATER!!! I take this with me everywhere in the summer! It keeps my water nice and cool for several hours!
Use lighter skincare products. There is a big difference in our skin’s needs from season to season. We use richer, creamier, heavier products in the dry winter air to deeply moisturize and lock that in. But in the hotter (and maybe humid) summer months, it’s time to lighten up those products. Start by figuring out what your skin type is. Use this little graphic to help you. Wash your face with your normal cleanser, rinse and pat dry. Then wait 30 minutes before applying any other products. Ok, now tell me how your skin feels and pick from the graphic below. Once you know your skin type, you can customize your skin care products to what your skin needs. (If you need help finding products, please contact me!)

Eat more fruits and veggies! Take advantage of these summer months and eat some fresh fruits and vegetables. Oh btw, you can knock out the “explore somewhere new” part of this list AND the “fruits & veggies” by finding a local farmers market! You’ll find the best in-season produce and probably meet some very lovely people.
SPF & Hats! Have you heard this: The BEST anti-aging product you can use is SPF moisturizer on your face!!! Start NOW! I wish I had been smart enough to start in my younger days. Of course part of the problem was that every spf moisturizer I tried made my face feel horrible and caused breakouts. Thankfully, I’ve found Block It Like It’s Hot SPF 30, which is lightweight, barely has any scent and never makes my skin breakout! And don’t forget your hat. Just because you have spf moisturizer on doesn’t mean you should skip the hat!!
Moisturize! We made it through the long winter months of dry air and dry skin. So it’s time to ditch our moisturizers, right? Well, not so fast! Summertime often means swimming in pools/lakes/oceans, working outdoors, spending time in the sun (see tip above) and generally abusing our skin in many ways! So yes, we still need to moisturize! Always keep a hand crème around to keep your hands from getting dry and itchy. If you are a swimmer, try some lovely coconut oils to moisturize your skin. They absorb quickly while deeply moisturizing your skin.
Move your body! This is a self care tip that I include in almost ALL of my lists! It really doesn’t matter what season or reason you’re seeking self care. Moving your body is ALWAYS going to a wonderful way to practice self care. In the summer months, you may need to adjust your schedule. If you want to move your body outside, early morning or late evening will be better options. You don’t want to be out in the heat of the day. Or you could schedule some gym time in the afternoon. Find what works best for YOU! And then keep doing it! Maybe you just take a few minutes to play some awesome music and dance around your living room! It really doesn’t matter what you do…just move your body! One thing that I absolutely LOVE is outside yoga!

I hope you’ll take some time this summer to practice self care. If you’re looking for more guidance, feel free to join my private Facebook group and/or sign up for my monthly email!
Have a great summer!

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