How is October almost over already?! I swear it was Oct 1 just yesterday! And once October is gone…here comes the Holiday Season!😱

BUT since we are still in October (just barely), let’s talk about some fun “Spooky” self care ideas!

All of these are SIMPLE ways to add a little self care into your life!

  • Grab a book from your favorite author and find a quiet place to read.
  • Find a face mask designed for your skin type and apply…you can even combine this one with reading.
  • Get outside and get some fresh air. There is something particularly special about Fall air!
  • Carve out some alone time (see what I did thereπŸ˜‰). Ok, this one may actually be a little harder, if you have a family!
  • Do some yoga…there are sooo many beginner videos on YouTube. You do NOT have to be bendy to get started!
  • Cook up some treats…these can be good, healthy treats OR you can do a small splurge!
  • Take a nap! Do you remember when that used to feel like punishment?!πŸ˜†

I didn’t do much decorating for Halloween this year, but I did get my outside “display” done! Isn’t my helper adorable?!🐾

This was the extent of what got done on the inside!πŸ˜†

My mom and I snuck off the farm to get Halloween manis last week.

Fall Harvest is winding down. Praying Mother Nature is more kind for next year’s crops.πŸ™

As I said, October is closing down quickly. That means November is right around the corner, and THAT means the dreaded time change.😫 There are a number of health issues associated with time changes.

I wish they would stop with this silly nonsense of falling back and springing forward. Pick one and stick with it! But since we don’t seem to have a say in this matter, there are things we can do to make the transition a little easier.

  • Start altering your bed time a few days early to help make the change
  • Make sure you have some good lighting in your house when it starts getting dark so early
  • Be sure to get some exercise during the day
  • Try to get some sunlight when you can
  • Start drinking Rise Nootropics, which can help boost brain health, improve mental well being and help you feel better now!

That’s it for October! I hope you find some of these tips helpful!

Be sure to check out the Shop Tabs to find all things self care related: pampering products, wellness supplements, coffee, etc



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